The Key to Employer Defense in San Diego

The Key to Employer Defense in San Diego and Across California

What is the key to employer defense in San Diego and across California?  What can any employer learn from experienced employer defense attorney Dan Watkins and the Watkins Firm after 40+ years of experience serving the business, science and tech, real estate and medical / healthcare communities?

The number of disputes and lawsuits involving local employers continues to accelerate this year (and has for the past 5 years). Each year in San Diego, disputes between a worker and their employer turn into cases that result in lost employee hours, substantial financial damages, legal costs, expensive settlements and lost profits for companies here in San Diego and across the state of California.

Not handling employee issues or disputes properly can lead quickly to a dispute, lawsuit or PAGA action. This means HIGH exposure, and if it is not quickly addressed substantial costs for your business or company.

The Good News for California and San Diego Employers:

What is the good news for California and San Diego employers?  The key to employer defense in San Diego and across our state is immediate action. I can’t tell you how many substantial disputes could have been dispensed or mitigated in the first few hours if the employer had simply picked up the phone and placed a quick call to my office at (858) 535-1511.  The call and consultation is free.

What does a Good San Diego Business Attorney Do For Their Clients?Pro Tip: After 40+ years of experience representing and defending employers, I can tell you quickly if the issue at hand is something you should worry about and ACT UPON, or “if that mole isn’t cancer!”  There are almost always actions you can take that will mitigate your exposure or eliminate it altogether.  A little attention and a few dollars now can save tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars and untold time later.

If done adequately, disputes can be resolved before further action has to be taken – potentially saving you, the employer, lost time, mounds of worry, and mounds and mounds of money due to legal exposure(s), as well as legal ramifications from not addressing employee disputes or issues appropriately.

Straight Forward Recommendations for Employers:

Be Timely: Act now or panic later. Dealing with a dispute or issue sooner is always better than later.

Be Effective: Address the actual issue. Don’t assume! Listen and make sure you properly grasp the complaint of the employee before you take action.

Be Intensive: Don’t let a dispute get buried in the grind of your day-to-day responsibilities. In the corporate environment, there are many things that demand time from your schedule. Things that keep the company moving forward, generate sales and ensure profitability. It’s easy to allow these demands to keep you from giving the attention and focus that an employee dispute can often require, but they are too important to allow to become buried.

Be Proactive: You should consider establishing clear channels for communicating problems, disputes or issues early on. Create avenues for your employees to raise issues with management or even appoint a person to focus on communicating with employees about their issue who is not their direct supervisor. Consider how to create opportunities for employees to safely and privately discuss issues in order to address problems before they grow to full-scale disputes.

Finally, if you receive any communication, written letter or email from an external agency or legal entity there is a “secret clock” that is running.  That notice wasn’t sent to you for the sake of correspondence.  It is the start of a clock that leaves you only a matter of several days or a few weeks to take action or face substantial consequences and a lawsuit or class action.

The Key to Employer Defense in San Diego and Across California

What is the key to employer defense in San Diego and across California?  Immediate Action!  If you sense something isn’t right or have a suspicion a worker is “padding the file” or a dispute is brewing, pick up the phone and call for a free consultation at (858) 535-1511.

There are often steps you can take in an immediate timeframe to mitigate your exposure or eliminate it altogether.  Having the right council ahead of time can save your and your company from potential wage and hour litigation, unpaid overtime disputes, PAGA actions, lawsuits regarding issues such as retaliation, harassment or wrongful termination.

We can tell you if a lawsuit has already been filed.  We can provide insight into any situation you face as an employer and guide you in the steps required to minimize your exposure or eliminate it altogether.  We can also help to review internal documents such as the employee handbook and policies and procedures and work with you to substantially reduce the risk of any potential liability or lawsuit in the future.

We invite you to review our podcast Episode 39 – What Keeps Employers Up at Night as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.