Mediation and Arbitration Representation in San Diego

Mediation and Arbitration Representation in San Diego Proven Experience

Are you searching for experienced and proven mediation and arbitration representation in San Diego?  What do you need to know about mediation and/or arbitration and why is it important to have a skilled, experienced Watkins Firm attorney on your side?

Mediation and Arbitration – Alternative Dispute Resolution or ADR

Mediation and arbitration are two effective alternatives to business litigation.  However, it is not in your best interests to enter a mediation, and certainly not an arbitration without expert legal representation.  The attorneys at the Watkins Firm have more than four decades of experience and a proven track record of success in both mediation and arbitration.

Skilled mediation and arbitration representation in San Diego and Southern California ensures you have the perspective and guidance to influence a positive outcome.  In a mediation, the proceedings are guided by a neutral third party agreed upon by the participants.  The “mediator” should have a thorough understanding of the issues in dispute, applicable federal and California law, as well as strong negotiation and mediation skills.

The mediator works between the parties to help them to gain a better understanding of the dispute at hand, the position of each party, the law and the ways in which these types of cases are usually resolved.  The mediator can provide recommendations and suggest alternative solutions, but the parties are not bound by these.  Ultimately the goal of mediation is a settlement agreement which resolves most or all of the issues in dispute and ideally brings an end to the matter.  Mediation can be a cost-effective and timely alternative to arbitration or trial and is a confidential, private legal venue which keeps your business and financial information as well as the nature of the dispute out of the public record.

Arbitration is required by many business contracts as an alternative to trial and is often the next step if mediation or the “settlement conference” required by our Courts is not successful.  Arbitration in California is a highly structured legal environment, however it is not bound by many rules of motions, evidence or processes.  The arbiter has much more power than a mediator, and the ruling of the arbiter is considered “binding” in most situations.  As your representative in arbitration, we provide an initial brief to the arbiter outlining our position and the strengths behind it.  Our attorneys are skilled trial attorneys, and these skills come into service during the collection of testimony and evidence, as well as representing you and your case before the arbiter.  No one should attempt to represent themselves in an arbitration.

Experienced and Proven Mediation and Arbitration Representation in San Diego and Southern California

Are you searching for experienced and proven mediation and arbitration representation in San Diego and Southern California?  Mediation and arbitration are alternatives to a trial in a Court of Law, when leveraged negotiations have not brought a resolution to the dispute at hand.  The attorneys at the Watkins Firm approach every dispute with our client’s objectives clearly and foremost in our minds.  We then work to resolve all disputes as quickly and cost-effectively as possible based upon these goals and objectives.  When litigation is required, we are prepared to take the case to arbitration or trial.  The presence of the Watkins Firm at your side during mediation and arbitration strengthens your hand and communicates strength, skill and a proven track record of success to all we oppose.

If you are involved in a business or legal dispute in San Diego or Southern California we invite you to review our Podcast Episode 11 – Resolving Business Disputes and Episode 12 – Resolving Business Disputes Part 2: Mediation and Trial as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.