Your Employer Defense Attorney in San Diego

Your Employer Defense Attorney in San Diego - PAGA Defense Lawyers

What should you be looking for in your employer defense attorney in San Diego?  Employers in Southern California and across the state face increasing challenges each and every year.  Employer-related litigation has skyrocketed over the past few years.  Each passing year the State of California adds more and more restrictions and reporting requirements in addition to changes at the federal law.  How can an employer protect themselves in this hostile environment?

Four Decades of Employer Defense Experience

The Watkins Firm has more than four decades of experience as employer defense attorneys serving San Diego and Southern California.  We only represent and defend employers, and provide general business counsel for our business clients to help them to avoid litigation, and defend them in any dispute that may arise.

California is known as a court system that tends to lean toward the perspective of the employee in litigation matters.  The Watkins Firm has a strong record of success defending employers in disputes and lawsuits associated with, but not limited to:

We also represent employers who are accused of wrongful termination and represent their interests in ERISA or benefit related disputes or lawsuits.

Come Into Compliance – The Best Defense is Often a Good Offense!

Your employer defense attorney in San Diego at the Watkins Firm will work proactively to help our clients to come into compliance with all employer-related laws and regulations on a federal, state and local level.  We provide review of important internal documents such as policies and procedures, employee handbooks and employment contracts.  We help to train internal management to ensure they understand and put into practice the legal requirements of employment related laws.

Your Employer Defense Attorney in San Diego Resolves Disputes Quickly and Efficiently

Our clients appreciate our unique approach to litigation.  We aggressively pursue leveraged negotiations, and alternative means of resolving a dispute.  Your employer defense attorney in San Diego at the Watkins Firm is able to resolve the vast majority of lawsuits and business litigation cases prior to heading to trial, most through effective, leveraged negotiation.  This is the fastest and least expensive path to resolve a dispute or lawsuit.

We work with our clients to establish specific goals and objectives for the dispute or lawsuit.  We then take the actions necessary to resolve or settle the matter in the shortest possible time frame and in a cost-effective manner.

Contact our Southern California and San Diego employer defense attorneys and work with a legal team with more than four decades of experience serving the San Diego business community and the surrounding region. We invite you to review our Podcast Episode 22 – the Most Common Questions We Get from Our Employer Clients and Episode 23 – Managing Employees in San Diego as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.