Resolve Your Breach of Contract Case in San Diego

Resolve Your Breach of Contract Case in San Diego Quickly Efficiently

Is it possible to resolve your breach of contract case in San Diego in a cost-effective manner while accomplishing your goals and objectives?  There are enough costs associated with the issues surrounding a breach of contract without adding the expense and time delays associated with taking a lawsuit before a San Diego court.

The experienced breach of contract and business dispute resolution attorneys at the Watkins Firm have developed a unique approach to efficiently resolving a breach of contract case developed over more than 40 years of experience in hundreds and hundreds of cases.  What is the fastest and most cost-efficient manner to resolve a San Diego breach of contract dispute while protecting your interests?

Our unique strategy in breach of contract disputes is designed to gain leverage, get immediately to the core of the dispute and resolve it quickly and efficiently.  The vast majority of our breach of contract cases, whether representing the party who has suffered from a breach of contract or defending allegations of a breach, are resolved through effective, leveraged negotiation.  There are three key factors in any breach of contract matter:

  • Resolving the dispute between the parties in a timely manner
  • Covering the financial consequences of the breach
  • Mitigating losses while protecting valued business relationships

The primary factors required to resolve your breach of contract case in San Diego efficiently include:

  • Money / Damages
  • Time
  • Opportunity
  • Business Goals
  • Principles

The factors of time and money are closely related to one another.  Here in San Diego it can take several months and in most cases much longer than a year to take a business dispute such as a breach of contract case before a Court and achieve a successful outcome.  Cases are backlogged even further than ever, so the time and expense associated with business litigation may not represent the best course of action based upon the realities of the dispute, and the nature of your business.  Our proven strategy for resolving business disputes will help to resolve challenges and get things moving.

How can you resolve your San Diego breach of contract without going to court?  Business disputes come down to “damages.”  Legally speaking, damages are the financial measure of the consequences surrounding any business dispute.  Our attorneys work to quickly and accurately assess any and all actual and potential damages.  This provides the leverage needed to open constructive and productive negotiations.  We are usually able to help resolve the dispute and develop a “settlement” which resolves the matter at hand while providing remuneration for any losses or damages resulting from the contract breach. When core issues of principle or a hardened position present during negotiations, mediation and arbitration are strong alternatives to litigation in a San Diego Court.

At the Watkins Firm, we understand the nature of business and share your values as a client while we work to resolve your breach of contract case in San Diego as quickly and cost-effectively as possible while achieving the objectives you’ve established.

The Watkins Firm has several legal strategies available to help resolve your breach of contract case in San Diego, but the fastest and least expensive tool is effective, leveraged negotiation.  Our attorneys have more than four decades of experience and proven success and skill negotiating resolutions to breach of contract disputes that accomplish our client’s goals.  We work aggressively to represent our client’s interests, however, we also understand the importance of the underlying business relationships and the value of time.

If you are involved in a breach of contract dispute or a business legal matter we invite you to listen to our Podcast Episode 5 – Breach of Contract, review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.  We will discuss your situation and the outcome you wish to achieve, and work together to resolve the dispute and position your business to move forward and thrive.