Resolving Water Related Disputes and Issues in San Diego

Resolving Water Related Disputes and Issues in San Diego - Water Law

The Watkins Firm has decades of experience resolving water related disputes and issues in San Diego.  Are you a property owner who is concerned about your well being sucked dry by too many other wells or local irrigation?  Are you a San Diego water district who faces a dispute or lawsuit?  The Watkins Firm has represented all types of clients in water law related cases across San Diego County for decades.

We work to resolve a variety of water related disputes including but not limited to water rights and easements, employment defense for local water districts, issues with water bills and rates, water purchase agreements and inter-agency contracts.  Our experienced business contract attorneys negotiate, review and create all contracts and supporting documentation associated with access to or the provision of water.  Our seasoned business litigation attorneys will help to resolve water related disputes quickly and cost-effectively.  We employ a unique approach to these issues which focuses upon effective leveraged negotiation and when necessary mediation or arbitration.

Our San Diego water law attorneys are well versed on local, state and federal water laws and developing issues.  We have represented the largest local water district as well as homeowners and business interests.  We have helped to resolve disputes between neighbors regarding well access, shared maintenance and related disputes and lawsuits.  The Watkins Firm handles almost all legal matters associated with water including water rights, groundwater and underflow rights, water quality, water transfers and the supply of water to customers throughout San Diego.  We analyze water rights for property owners and business projects considering acquiring land or real estate development.

If you are looking for attorneys with decades of experience resolving water related disputes and issues in San Diego we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today. Learn how our attorneys can help to answer your questions, resolve disputes and manage your case to a successful conclusion in a timely and cost-efficient manner.