What is the nuclear option of involuntary dissolution in a minority shareholder dispute? What are your rights as a minority shareholder in San Diego or Southern California and how can the Watkins Firm protect the value and strength of your interests? Involuntary dissolution is often referred to as the “nuclear option” in a California or San Diego shareholder dispute. A successful action for the involuntary dissolution of a California corporation results in the court ordered termination of the corporation itself and the liquidation of corporate assets to cover company obligations.
In publicly held corporations a disgruntled minority shareholder can simply sell their shares on the open market. Minority shareholders in a privately held company do not have the same opportunity and California law provides a powerful legal remedy. If you believe you have been the victim of “persistent mismanagement,” “persistent unfairness” or a “persistent abuse of authority” it may be possible to hold majority interests accountable with the nuclear option of involuntary dissolution of the corporation. The proceeds could protect your investment while ensuring the abuses of majority interests are brought to light.
There are many options to resolve a San Diego minority shareholder dispute, and the experienced shareholders rights attorneys at the Watkins Firm have decades of experience in these cases. We help minority shareholders to gain access to corporate meetings and documents. We represent minority shareholders in disputes involving dividends or shareholder oppression. We work to find timely and cost-effective remedies, while generating important documentation and evidence to protect our client’s interests.
The nuclear option of involuntary dissolution may seem like an extreme solution in a minority shareholder dispute and a wild position to take, but it may be the only genuine remedy a minority shareholder has to put a stop to abuse or poor conduct by majority interests. Are you sick and tired of being bullied and frozen out by majority interests? Are they considering a merger or acquisition or taking other steps to reduce the strength and power of your position in the company? We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.