You Can Hold a Business Responsible for Fraud

Hold a Business Responsible for Fraud in San Diego - Litigation Attorneys

It is possible to hold a business accountable for fraud.  Fraud in San Diego is more common than you may think.  While most business contracts and transactions are entered into in good faith, some transactions may not be what they seem.

For example, a business induced one of our clients to design, develop and host a website in order to promote their company.  The business owners promised to share revenue generated from product sales from the site.  In addition, our client was asked to make an investment (a loan) to the company in exchange for shares of stock.  Unfortunately, the company refused to provide sales reports to our client, did not make any revenue related payments and never issued the promised shares of common stock.

Unfair Business Practices

One of the most common issues in a business dispute is known as “unfair business practices.”  Unfair business practices may sound obvious on their face, but they almost always involve some form of fraud or misrepresentation between people, business principles, owners, shareholders, managers.  The Watkins Firm business litigation and fraud attorneys have more than four decades of experience helping our clients to hold a business responsible for fraud.

While it is always best to consult with the Watkins Firm at each step of the process above we understand the realities of many small business deals.  Our business contracts would in all likelihood have prevented the situation above from arising in the first place, and placed the client in a much stronger position while providing additional leverage.

You Can Hold a Business Responsible for Fraud in San Diego and Southern California

The Watkins Firm can hold a business or business professional responsible for fraud in San Diego and Southern California.  We successfully pursue the company and individuals involved, and hold them accountable for their fraudulent actions.  Once you realize the other party is not keeping their word it is important to review our recent podcast Episode 25 – Unfair Business Practice Overview as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.

We can provide the ongoing guidance, suggested written communications and legal steps necessary to regain control of the situation and resolve potential financial and business related disputes before they arise.

You can hold a business responsible for fraud or the failure to abide by a written or spoken agreement in San Diego.  These cases require extensive legal skill, experience and expertise.  The Watkins Firm attorneys are seasoned and proven lawyers with a practical business outlook based upon decades of local service.  We can help you to hold others accountable for the breach of a contract or outright fraud.