Why Does Your Watkins Firm Business Attorney Matter in a Dispute

Why Does Your Watkins Firm Business Attorney Matter in a Dispute

Why does your Watkins Firm business attorney matter in a dispute or lawsuit? The attorneys you work with will have a substantial impact on the outcome of your business dispute.  This decision will affect the time frame involved with resolving the dispute, the cost associated with the legal work and even the ability to preserve important business relationships with contract partners.  What is the difference between a large national firm and an experienced local team?  Why does your business attorney matter in a dispute and how does that affect the cost and time frame of your matter?

The large firm model is based upon the billable hour, and the need to have as many of the firm’s personnel “touch the file” each billing cycle as possible. Most law firms apply a variety of resources to a dispute case to increase the amount of your bill.  Have you ever wondered why so many people have billed time to your account?  It is simply not in their interest to roll up their sleeves and get to work.  It certainly isn’t in their interest to do so quickly and affordably.

Our Unique Approach to Resolve Your Business Dispute

Why does your Watkins Firm business attorney matter in a dispute?  The Watkins Firm has served the San Diego business, real estate, tech and medical / healthcare business community for more than 40 years.  Our core value set involves a commitment to resolving our client’s business disputes as promptly and cost-efficiently as possible.

We work to identify the core issues and develop a thoroughly documented strong chronology as well as a mastery of associated damages.  We gain a thorough understanding of our client’s objectives for the dispute – both in terms of the issues at hand and the important business relationship that is often at risk as well.  We engage the conversation from the perspective of being a productive and positive voice in the discussion.  We hold our client’s objectives clearly in mind and communicate these to the other party, while seeking common ground and an opportunity for them to move forward and to negotiate a positive path toward a resolution.

It is important to note that your Watkins Firm business attorney is able to resolve the vast majority of our business disputes through effective, leveraged negotiation.  This is the fastest and most cost-effective path to accomplish our client’s objectives while resolving the dispute.

If there is a sticking point or two, business mediation provides a confidential, private and efficient environment in which to work toward reaching a settlement agreement.  Many business contracts call for arbitration as an alternative to trial.  Arbitration is a lot like a trial, but without many of the time-wasting and expensive motions and discovery.  The arbitrator focuses on the issues, marshals evidence and testimony and ultimately issues a binding outcome.

Why Does Your Watkins Firm Business Attorney Matter in a Business Dispute or Lawsuit?

We represent our clients at each step in the process with a single goal in mind:

Resolve the dispute in accordance with our client’s goals in the shortest possible time frame and in a cost-efficient manner.

How does your Watkins Firm business attorney make a measurable, substantial difference in accomplishing your objectives in a business dispute? How can our 40+ years of experience contribute to your business success?  Our clients value the practical approach we take to representing their interests and the effectiveness with which we accomplish the work of resolving disputes and preventing expensive litigation.  If you have a business dispute we invite you to review our podcast Episode 11 – Resolving Business Disputes as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.