Real Estate Contracts in San Diego Often Don’t Go According to Form

Real Estate Contracts in San Diego Often Don't Go According to Form

Real estate contracts in San Diego often don’t go according to form.  Savvy real estate entrepreneurs, developers and investors know that the standard real estate contracts here in San Diego will take you so far, but they are not designed for the complex issues many commercial and high-end residential real estate transactions require.  If you are considering the purchase or sale of commercial or residential real estate it is important to work with experienced and proven San Diego real estate attorneys who have developed thousands of successfully completed real estate transactions.

A well constructed real estate contract not only establishes clear expectations of the seller(s) and buyer(s), it contains comprehensive representations and warranties that prevent litigation during and after the completion of the transaction, as well as a clear process that guides the parties through the successful transfer of interest in the property.

There are substantial financial and tax related implications in these transactions, and your attorney should identify all potential issues and options so that your decision making results in the highest possible profit at completion.  Today’s real estate contracts are lengthy “novels” with comprehensive obligations and liabilities.  Protect yourself without compromising the positive atmosphere or productive relationships surrounding the transaction.

Each transaction is unique and real estate contracts in San Diego often don’t go according to form.  The experienced real estate attorneys at the Watkins Firm help to protect the positive “atmosphere of the deal” while negotiating on behalf of our clients.  We develop carefully crafted documents, amendments and contracts which reflect the “benefit of the bargain” each party expects.

Commercial and residential real estate contracts in San Diego are quite complex and shouldn’t be trusted to a form.  We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 free consultation to learn more.