Representing Clients in a Business Mediation

Representing Clients in a Business Mediation - Dispute Resolution

The Watkins Firm has decades of experience representing clients in a business mediation and throughout the litigation process.  The Watkins Firm resolves the majority of our disputes through a settlement in either negotiations or mediation.

What Is Business Mediation?

Business Mediation is a loosely structured process that is designed to help facilitate purposeful discussions between parties in a dispute or disagreement, while providing guidance and tools to resolve the issues at hand.  Mediation is an effective alternative to taking a case to trial, and many Judges require “settlement conferences” and other evidence of dispute resolution efforts prior to going to trial.  Mediation is an element of our effective “approach to litigation” that ensures the fastest resolution while keeping costs to a minimum.

One of the first steps when representing clients in a business mediation is the section of a “neutral” and independent third party known as a mediator.  The mediator should have extensive experience with the law as well as expertise in the subject matter of the dispute.  In addition to this knowledge, the mediator is a skilled facilitator who works with the parties to identify central core issues, while creating a positive and constructive working atmosphere where principled disagreement can be worked through.  The mediator does not have any power over the parties and can only make suggestions and recommendations.  The mediator will often offer suggestions and alternative solutions to help the parties move forward.

Mediation is a flexible environment that provides a strong degree of control and influence over the process.  Representing clients in a business mediation protects them from errant ideas and suggestions from other parties that are not in their best interests.  Our attorneys have extensive experience in mediation, arbitration and litigation and are able to provide balance and informed support to conversations and negotiations.

Mediation is also an excellent tool for preserving or restoring valuable business relationships.  Business disputes can strain productive and profitable business relationships, and an effective mediator will focus as much time on repairing the underlying business relationship as resolving the business dispute at hand.

40+ Years Experience Representing Clients in a Business Mediation

The Watkins Firm has more than 40 years of experience representing clients in a business mediation and throughout the litigation process.  If you have a business dispute with a partner, co-owner, supplier or vendor, customer or employee we invite you to Listen to our Podcast Episode 11 – Resolving Business Disputes and review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.