Unfair Business Practices and Fraud Attorney in San Diego

Unfair Business Practices and Fraud Attorney in San Diego - Trial Attorney

Are you searching for an unfair business practices and fraud attorney in San Diego?  The experienced business fraud litigation attorneys and unfair business practices attorneys in San Diego at the Watkins Firm have decades of negotiation, mediation, arbitration and trial expertise representing victims of fraud as well as those accused of deceitful  business dealings and unfair competition practices.

What Constitutes Business Fraud?

Fraud involves deception, by its nature.  If a matter or fact is purposefully misrepresented in order to entice a party into a contractual agreement a case for fraud probably exists.

Why is fraud such an important legal standard?  When fraud is present the victim may seek not only the financial damages associated with their lawsuit, but punitive damages as well as attorneys fees.  These additional financial incentives are quite substantial when compared to simple damages, and are purposefully established by California law to discourage fraud and deceptive business practices and to punish those who fraudulently entice others into business contracts.

Alternatives to Trial in an Unfair Business Practice or Fraud Case

The Watkins Firm has more than four decades of extensive trial experience in San Diego Courts and a proven, successful track record in these matters.  We prepare every case as if it will go to a full trial, but work to resolve our cases in a timely and cost-effective manner while achieving our client’s goals and objectives.  Our unique approach to fraudulent transactions means your unfair business practices and fraud attorney at the Watkins Firm will often be able to seek a positive resolution through constructive, leveraged negotiation.  Most cases are resolved in this manner.

The alternatives to a trial are mediation and arbitration.  Mediation is a confidential, private legal venue where a neutral and expert third party works between the parties to help them to find a resolution to part or all of the issues on the table.  Arbitration is a much more structured legal venue, where, much like a trial evidence and testimony may be presented or collected although many superfluous motions and other legal maneuvers are eliminated.  The job of the arbiter is to collect the facts and render a decision in the matter which is final.

The Watkins Firm represents our clients in both mediation and arbitration settings.  Our skillful attorneys have extensive experience in these venues and are able to positively contribute and influence the outcome to ensure a resolution that meets our client’s objectives.  When necessary, we will take the matter before a San Diego court and aggressively represent our client’s interests.

Proven Unfair Business Practices and Fraud Attorney

Are you searching for a proven unfair business practices and fraud attorney here in San Diego?  Have you been accused of fraudulent business activity?

If you are concerned about fraud or unfair business practices in the context of business litigation we invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.