What Constitutes Unfair Competition in San Diego

What Constitutes Unfair Competition in San Diego Southern California

What constitutes unfair competition in San Diego and Southern California and how can you protect your business from the unscrupulous actions of competitors?  Unfair competition is generally defined as anything a business might do to try to prevent other businesses from competing in a fair marketplace, outside of the normal strategies to gain competitive advantage.

Examples of What Constitutes Unfair Competition in San Diego and Southern California

California’s unfair competition laws are quite complex.  If you have been accused of unfair competition or believe another business in your competitive market or internet space is attempting to manipulate the market you should contact the experienced business litigation and unfair competition attorneys at the Watkins Firm.

Examples of what constitutes unfair competition in San Diego and Southern California include but are not limited to:

  • Misappropriation or theft of business trade secrets, processes, suppliers or customer lists
  • Manipulating sales prices (“Compare at” or “Retail Price” marked down) or selling below cost in an attempt to mislead consumers or drive competitors out of the marketplace
  • Unlawful, misleading, misrepresentation, deception or false advertising
  • Charging hidden fees to charge account holders or credit customers
  • Deducting an employee’s commission according to unidentified or misrepresented returns or customer credits
  • Violations of an environmental use permit
  • Advertising one product, service or aspect of a product and not providing the opportunity to purchase or obtain the benefits, products or services offered

Experienced Unfair Competition Attorneys

Determining what constitutes unfair competition in San Diego and Southern California can be legally broad and quite complex.  If you have been accused of unfair competition or are concerned about the actions of a competitor, former employer, former partner or other party in the marketplace you need the experienced attorneys at the Watkins Firm.  We defend those who are accused of unfair competition and pursue cases against those who practice unfair competition.  We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.