Will San Diego Courts Enforce a Contract or Agreement Even If it Isn’t In Writing?

Enforce a Contract or Agreement Even If it Isn’t In Writing

Will a San Diego Court enforce a contract or agreement even if it isn’t in writing?  What is an “oral agreement” and what happens if a dispute has developed?

It is absolutely possible for the Watkins Firm to help you to protect your position in a contract or agreement that isn’t in writing.  Handshake deals (known legally as an “oral agreement) can be enforced.

Usually, the only time a contract or agreement must be in writing is when it involves the transaction of specific “goods” exceeding $500 in value.  However, most people who are not attorneys wouldn’t know this limitation in advance.  Many handshake deals exceed this threshold and are entered into with the best of intentions.  What happens when things don’t go as planned?

The Watkins Firm takes a unique approach to resolving these disputes which is proven to be a cost-effective and timely strategy for resolving disputes over oral agreement.  Most of these disputes are resolved through effective, leveraged negotiation.

The good news is oral agreements between the parties leave clues. People take actions.  They send emails or texts as they develop the bargain.  The parties begin to take steps to implement the agreement or to fulfill portions of what has been agreed upon.  Emails, texts and other written documents after the fact add validity to the “existence” of an actual agreement between the parties. San Diego Courts will usually look for this type of behavior or evidence when considering disputes involving an oral agreement.

The challenge for the Court is determining the actual substance and terms of the agreement between the parties.  You will need proven, experienced legal representation to protect your interests and achieve your goals.

It is possible to enforce a contract or agreement even if it isn’t in writing.  If you are involved in a dispute over a handshake deal or oral agreement we invite you to contact the Watkins Firm or call us for a free consultation at 858-535-1511. We will help you to quickly and cost effectively assess the status of your position, the strength of your “agreement” and the best steps you can take to ensure that you receive the “benefit of the bargain.”