Process to Manage a San Diego Breach of Contract Dispute

Process to Manage a San Diego Breach of Contract Dispute

What is the most effective process to manage a San Diego breach of contract dispute and what is the fastest way to resolve the dispute cost-effectively?  The experienced attorneys at the Watkins Firm take a unique approach to resolving disputes to help our clients quickly and efficiently resolve these cases.  The first steps involve the preparation of a thoroughly documented timeline and a review of the underlying contract governing the transaction or relationship, immediate action to mitigate losses and expert calculation of the potential financial damages caused by the breach of contract.   This chronology of events and a master of the associated damages are the keys to any business contract dispute or litigation, and provide the greatest source of effective leverage to encourage the other side to open immediate, constructive settlement negotiations.

You should be pleased to learn the Watkins Firm is able to resolve the vast majority of business breach of contract cases are through effective leveraged negotiation.  The Watkins Firm attorneys bring more than four decades of experience in business to business disputes and business contract disputes here in San Diego, and across the State of California.  We understand the value of the relationships associated with contractual agreements and work quickly to resolve not only the breach of contract but to work to help repair any damage to an important business relationship our clients value.

The process to manage a San Diego breach of contract dispute is designed to resolve the issues at hand and usually to reach a settlement. We work to find common ground and negotiate a contractual modification or settlement that resolves the issues responsible for the breach while providing appropriate compensation for the interruption in delivery of the benefit of the bargain promised within the contract.

When issues of principled disagreement arise, mediation is often an excellent alternative to arbitration or ultimately litigation of the case in a court of law.  Business litigation in San Diego can take well more than a year to bring the case before the court, resulting in significant expense and a long-term contingent liability.  Most of our clients wish for the matter to be resolved as quickly and affordably as possible while attaining the goals established at the outset of the dispute.

Dan Watkins Founding Partner of the Watkins FirmPro-Tip: “First of all, when you are in a lawsuit over a breach of contract or anything, you are investing money to get money. So if you don’t know how much you’re fighting for, how can you know how much you should spend?

Secondly, if you master the damages, if you can prove what the damage to you is, if you obtain and collect all the evidence about the damages, even before you worry about why you were damaged or what the law was breached, you can understand the case, the way a litigator understand understands it. You can help your lawyer and in the long run, you’ll be more successful in your case, by thinking about how you were damaged for, and then working it way back to, uh, who breached what and who broke what law.

So the idea, if you’re the party that’s caused the breach, would be to minimize the risk of the damages downstream. However, a breach of contract dispute is most often even more complicated and deeper than that. You don’t have to decide that you are the person that breached because most people, their ego won’t let them do that. But if you’re being accused of breaching again, the first thing you and your lawyer, or whoever should talk about or think about is how much and damages are they saying that I caused and how can I with very little expense limit those damages.”

If you are involved in a dispute and aren’t sure of the most efficient and effective process to manage a San Diego breach of contract dispute we invite you to review our podcast Episode 5 – Breach of Contract as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.