Protect Your IP and Assets In A Joint Venture

Protect Your IP and Assets in a Joint Venture - San Diego Investor

What steps should you take to protect your IP and assets in a joint venture here in San Diego or around the world?  The formation of a joint venture and associated contracts and corporate documents requires experienced San Diego business attorneys. A joint venture can allow you or your company to test the viability of a business strategy in a new vertical or geographic market while leveraging the assets of an existing business to facilitate this strategy.

A joint venture can represent a tremendous opportunity, but you must work with an experienced business formation attorney to make sure you are protecting yourself, your finances, and ultimately the intellectual property you bring to the table.

What is a Joint Venture?

A joint venture is a contractual business project between two or more parties or entities. This differs from a business partnership or single corporate entity as a joint venture involves cooperation and shared operations while maintaining separate and distinct entities in the process.  A joint venture allows you and/or your company to share resources, skill, experience and risk with the partner(s) who can help you to gain access to new market opportunities.

A joint venture can expedite market entry while reducing overhead costs and substantial business expenses and outlays.  There is a lot to learn in this venture, however, there are also abundant risks.  You need experienced San Diego business formation and joint venture attorneys who can protect your IP and assets in a joint venture while facilitating the synergies between you and your potential new business partners.

The Primary Goal is to Protect Your IP and Assets In A Joint Venture While Opening the Door to New Opportunities

The primary goal is to protect your IP and assets in the new joint venture while efficiently creating the contracts that open the door to exciting new possibilities.  There is a lot to learn.  A joint venture allows you to quickly acquire market and cultural insights, new business strategies and access to substantial business opportunities you are not able to reach on your own.

A joint venture can be an exciting and extremely profitable venture.  It can also expose you and your business to substantial risk and liabilities.  You want to make sure all goals and objectives within the joint venture are aligned and working together in a cohesive, productive manner.  Shared IP exposes the risk of infringement, unauthorized use or even theft.  The Watkins Firm has more than 40 years of experience in these complex business transactions.  We help to mitigate your risks in these areas while maintaining separation between the joint venture and your own personal assets.

What happens if a dispute arises between you and your joint venture partner?  What are your exit strategies and how to you ensure your rights are protected now and in the future?

New Markets, New Opportunities, New Risks and Exposures

A joint venture provides rapid and often profitable access to new markets and new opportunities you would be unable to accomplish on your own.  A joint venture also comes with extensive risk and exposure.  This is why it is important to consult with an experienced business attorney at the Watkins Firm.  We understand the need for expediency and flexibility.  We also understand the inherent risks you will be undertaking and the need to protect your IP and assets in a joint venture here in San Diego or around the world.

Ask about our extensive experience in these projects, our proprietary library of proven, battle-tested joint venture documents and contracts and how the Watkins Firm can help to protect your interests while facilitating this exciting growth opportunity.

We invite you to review our podcast Episode 34 – Business Formation as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.