ADA Compliance is the Law For All Public Areas and Commercial Businesses


All public access areas of a commercial business or property must meet ADA compliance laws and the California Building Code (CBC) to ensure that public spaces are accessible to anyone with a disability.  You may be surprised to learn that between 16% and 20% of Americans qualify as “disabled” under ADA guidelines.  The requirements for a public commercial space are significant, however ADA compliance also extends to the policies of a business and the ability of disabled visitors to access and enjoy all the amenities offered.

The experienced ADA and general business counsel at the Watkins Firm work with our clients to ensure ADA compliance across every aspect of their business.  We work to ensure that our clients understand and meet requirements for architectural and space planning barriers, electronic access, polices and procedures, and communications as well as the manner in which your employees interact with all visitors to your place of business.

The Watkins Firm works with California Certified Access Specialists and other professionals to review existing strategies, identify potential weaknesses and ensure that an actionable plan is developed to ensure all aspects of your operations are in full compliance with ADA laws and guidelines.  ADA related litigation has sharply risen over the past few years.  The costs associated with these cases, the fines and penalties as well as the consumption of time and valuable resources are significant.  We work to reduce and eliminate your exposure, and to represent you in any matter that might arise before a San Diego Court, or in hearings before federal, state or local agencies.

The minimum exposure in these cases is $4,000 plus the plaintiff’s attorneys fees (usually much more than $4,000).  Protect yourself from genuine exposure, as well as the frivolous litigation sought by some “serial” plaintiffs – those looking for a party to sue.  Contact the Watkins Firm for a complimentary and substantive consultation at 858-535-1511.  We will work together to ensure that all ADA compliance issues are resolved for your business.