Allegations of Failure to Perform on a Contract

Allegations of Failure to Perform on a San Diego Contract - Defend

Are you searching for strategies to resolve allegations of failure to perform on a contract or agreement in California?  This exposes you to a potentially time consuming and expensive business litigation or breach of contract lawsuit.  The failure to perform is a valid reason to declare a breach of contract in San Diego.  This allows the party alleging the breach to pursue many legal strategies and remedies to recover the financial damages associated with the allegations at hand.  You need the experienced and proven breach of contract defense attorneys at the Watkins Firm to resolve the dispute quickly and an in a cost-effective manner.

Failure to perform on a contract may be associated with poor workmanship.  This could simply be rooted in a misunderstanding of the type or quality of material which was to be used or an expressed or implied warranty.  The contract associated with the transaction in question will have a substantial impact on the risks you face as well as the potential for contingent liabilities.  The Watkins Firm takes a unique approach to resolve allegations of failure to perform on a contract which is designed to get to the core of the issue(s) and resolve them in a timely and efficient way.  Most of these disputes can be resolved through our effective leveraged negotiation strategies.  We work to gain the attention of the other party and to seek productive negotiations toward a resolution.

The other party also has legal obligations under the law.  They must take prudent and timely action to mitigate the damages associated with the breach of contract to reduce or limit the financial consequences associated with the breach of contract.  The process may require the testimony of experts, or another legal venue such as mediation or arbitration in order to resolve the dispute at hand.

Dan Watkins Founding Partner of the Watkins FirmPro-Tip: “So the idea, if you’re the party that’s caused the breach, would be to minimize the risk of the damages downstream. But it’s even more complicated and deeper than that. You don’t have to decide that you are the person that breached because, most people, their ego won’t let them do that. But if you’re being accused of breaching an agreement, the first thing you and your lawyer should talk about or think about is how much in terms of damages are they saying that I caused and how can I (with very little expense of my own) limit those damages.

For example, in employment situations, they may be suing you for $5,000 and wages unpaid, but the lawyer’s gonna want to collect $50,000 in attorney’s fees. So before you even get sued or before you even answer a lawsuit, you can go to your lawyer at the Watkins Firm and learn what the causes are, and what claims have attorney’s fees clauses on them. And often, you can just simply remedy those before you go into the lawsuit.

Or, someone says you owe $2,000 and you disagree. Well, you could pay them and then fight the case and get your money back. There’s there’s so many situations where looking at the damages can give you a great advantage, even when you’re on the defense side or the plaintiff side, because that’s what you’re fighting about.” – Dan Watkins, Founding Partner

The Watkins Firm will represent you at each necessary step along the way while working to resolve the matter while protecting your interests.  If you are searching for strategies to resolve allegations of failure to perform on a San Diego contract we invite you to review our podcast Episode 5 – Breach of Contract as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.