A breach of contract defense attorney must manage their client’s exposure to damages while helping to mitigate potential losses. Breach of contract cases are quite legally and often financially complex. You will need a skilled attorney with extensive experience and a proven track record in these types of cases.
Decades of Experience Breach of Contract Defense Attorney
The Watkins Firm has more than four decades of experience protecting our clients in the defense of a San Diego breach of contract or other business litigation related matter. We are able to resolve most of these business-related lawsuits and disputes through effective negotiation, and work to accomplish this from the outset while preparing every case we handle as if it will go to trial. It is this attention to detail that ultimately helps to carry the day for our clients.
Our Unique Approach to Resolving a Breach of Contract
Our unique approach to litigation is designed to resolve breach of contract cases in the shortest possible time frame and in a cost-effective manner. Many large firms and other legal offices attempt to pad the bill by having multiple attorneys and support personnel touch the file, wasting time with unnecessary legal motions and posturing designed to drive up the bill and extend the dispute. Our attorneys take a different tact.
There are many reasons to need an experienced breach of contract defense attorney. Often, the important issues are to get the problems resolved and get the transaction or underlying valued business relationship back on schedule. We work to quickly and thoroughly document the chronology of events and all potential damages. These are the keys to resolving these types of cases. The Watkins Firm is most often negotiate a settlement or work with our clients to provide a solution that helps to deliver part of the anticipated benefit of the bargain. In some cases mediation or arbitration may provide the best path to a resolution of the contract dispute at hand.
How Does a Breach of Contract Occur?
There are often events which cannot be foreseen which can cause a breach of contract to occur. These can include supply chain shortages, back-orders and international crises which delay or prevent fulfillment of an agreement for an extended period of time. In other cases the loss of a key employee or worker can impact the delivery of contract deliverables.
Take Immediate Action After a Contract Breach
Taking proactive action always diminishes your exposure and helps to resolve the situation. The experienced business litigation attorneys at the Watkins Firm know the other party must take steps to mitigate their losses according to California law. Many fail to do so, and this simple fact provides the defense we need to protect our own client’s interests and diffuse the potential for extensive financial damages.
Pro-Tip: “The primary remedy for a breach of contract is damages. That’s the term a lot of people don’t understand. What are damages? It’s a great question, the right question! When I advise my clients, I tell them the most important item in litigation is not whether you are liable or they’re liable, or somebody breached. I say the three most important things in a lawsuit are: damages damages damages.
And I say, it just like, you know, location, location, location, because it’s that important in the type of damages you can obtain are so varied that if you focus on whether you’ve been damaged under the law, there will be a statute or a case that says you are entitled to those damages. So if you track it backwards from I lost a hundred thousand dollars in this deal and how you lost it on those facts and what you did lose, you’ll probably find 99% of the time, a statute or a law or a case or something that gives you a remedy, a right to those damages and how you can collect.
This is why it is so important to master the available damages. First of all, when you are in a lawsuit over a breach of contract or anything, you are investing money to get money. So if you don’t know how much you’re fighting for, how can you know how much you should spend?
Secondly, if you master the damages, if you can prove what the damage to you is, if you obtain and collect all the evidence about the damages, even before you worry about why you were damaged or what the law was breached, you can understand the case, the way a litigator understand understands it. You can help your lawyer and in the long run, you’ll be more successful in your case, by thinking about how you were damaged for, and then working it way back to, uh, who breached what and who broke what law.” – Dan Watkins, Founding Partner
If you have been accused of violating a business agreement and need experienced California breach of contract defense attorney to assist with defending your case, we invite you to review our podcast Episode 5 – Breach of Contract as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.