Recent Developments in Arbitration Clauses for San Diego Employers

There have been substantial recent developments in arbitration clauses for San Diego employers.  The legal waves began when the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) recently published a decision which profoundly affected arbitration clauses for San Diego and Southern California employers and their employment contracts.  The case, Epic Systems...

Mediation and Arbitration Representation in San Diego

Are you searching for experienced and proven mediation and arbitration representation in San Diego?  What do you need to know about mediation and/or arbitration and why is it important to have a skilled, experienced Watkins Firm attorney on your side? Mediation and Arbitration – Alternative Dispute Resolution or ADR Mediation...

Do You Need a Proven San Diego Mediation and Arbitration Attorney

Are you searching for a proven San Diego mediation and arbitration attorney?  The Watkins Firm has served the San Diego business community for decades.  Our experienced business litigation attorneys have an extensive successful track record of resolving business disputes and representing our clients in mediation or arbitration. Tools for Resolving...

Mediating and Settling a San Diego Breach of Contract Dispute

Successfully mediating and settling a San Diego breach of contract dispute requires experience, legal skill and effective leverage.  Most breach of contract cases are resolved through negotiation.  The skilled breach of contract attorneys at the Watkins Firm take a unique approach to disputes which is designed to resolve them quickly...

Legal Representation in a San Diego Mediation or Arbitration

Are you looking for experienced legal representation in a San Diego mediation or arbitration case?  What is the difference between mediation and arbitration and what should you look for a San Diego mediation or arbitration attorney? Mediation and arbitration are two separate and distinct legal venues for dispute resolution.  There...

The Difference Between Arbitration and Mediation in San Diego

What is the difference between arbitration and mediation in San Diego and Southern California?  Do you need legal representation for mediation and arbitration?  Arbitration and mediation are Alternative Dispute Resolution or ADR options versus going to trial over a business dispute, business litigation or a lawsuit.  The Watkins Firm has...