Are you searching for experienced business attorneys with decades of experience defending a California employer in disputes and lawsuits? The number of employee related litigation matters has risen sharply in recent years, and the Watkins Firm has a strong reputation in every step of employer-related litigation and defending California business owners and employers in employer-related lawsuits and disputes.
California is, by far, the most challenging state in which to be an employer. The deck is simply stacked against us. We take the legal requirements and exposures of being a California employer very seriously and provide comprehensive, sound advice and counsel to our business clients regarding all aspects of being an employer in California.
The old saying “A good defense starts with a good offense” definitely applies here. We provide substantial guidance to our employer clients from the outset to prevent potential issues and disputes before they ever have the chance to develop. This begins with consistent, comprehensive policies and procedures, the employee handbook and the importance of meeting all aspects of a California employer’s responsibilities under federal, state and local laws and regulations.
For example, consider our recent podcast episodes 41 and 42 – “Employment Law Updates for 2024” (Parts 1 and 2). It took two episodes to cover all of the important changes that were going to take effect in 2024! What does the future hold? Our work defending a California employer in disputes and lawsuits begins with the prevention of disputes from happening in the first place. And when they do, to resolve them quickly and efficiently before they have a chance to develop into a substantial financial and business threat.
Employee lawsuits are often brought by plaintiffs who have several PAGA and employment related lawsuits going at the same time, and who just happen to repeatedly find issues with California employers. The Watkins Firm has more than four decades of proven experience defending employers and business owners in business and liability litigation and PAGA lawsuits and class actions. Our attorneys have a strong track record of success, especially from the perspective of victory in employer defense cases and trials. We defend our clients interests aggressively, and work to ensure that every aspect of an employee related challenge has been remediated while discovering the genuine impact of the alleged issues upon the plaintiff and the facts of the case.
You should be pleased to learn that we are able to resolve the vast majority of these cases through effective, leveraged negotiation. This is the fastest and least expensive way to resolve any California employer defense case. We are often able to help our clients to take steps to mitigate the potential damages or remediate the issue altogether before the case ever has a chance to develop. If you take away the ability for plaintiff’s attorneys to incur fees you eliminate the risk of large lawsuits or PAGA actions before they ever start.
Pro-Tip: “That’s how you take a mistake on the way somebody drafted someone’s paycheck in the tune of, let’s say $15 a week, and develop a class action that costs you $300,000 to $400,000 because of a simple accounting error. Now, had you had certain types of agreements in place, even some kinds of arbitration agreements (talk to us about recent and ongoing developments regarding arbitration agreements), you could have cut this off. We can help to quickly analyze the situation and provide the steps you can take to substantially reduce your exposure, or eliminate your risk altogether.
If you think there’s something going on and we talk about it, we can say, okay, instead of communicating “this way,” we’ll give you some good suggestions on what to say, and how to say it. We can actually ghost write your emails for you, and because we’re your lawyer, no one can ever discover that. So we can do lots of things for you to really set yourself up to manage the worst case, head off a lawsuit, and hopefully resolve things before they ever have a chance to get started.
What if you had an experienced, old lawyer for employers that you could talk to about your problems? If there’s any questions, you or your staff can call, and get the right advice to solve the problem or shut it down right away. The consultation for our clients and potential clients is free. We can tell you if that mole is skin cancer, or just a mole!” – Dan Watkins, Founding Partner
If you are concerned about an employee related dispute or need the services of a law firm with more than four decades of proven, extensive experience defending a California employer in disputes and lawsuits we invite you to review our podcast Episode 39 – What Keeps Employers Up at Night as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.