Failure to Disclose is A Large Source of Legal Disputes in San Diego Real Estate

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Here in San Diego, and throughout California, the sellers of real estate are required by law to disclose many things to the buyer, so that they may make an informed decision about the property they intend to purchase.  The disclosures are related to the “ownership” of the real property, as well as the “condition” of the property and any known hazards or defects that exist.  This can include (but is not limited to) foundation issues, flooding or drainage problems, roof leaks, mechanical or plumbing issues, rodent or insect infestation, mold, the existence of military ordinance nearby, smells and odors, as well as the condition of appliances.  This even includes if someone has recently died in or on the property or if there are methamphetamine or lead based paint contaminations.

If you are concerned about the condition of a property you have acquired, and believe the seller failed to disclose a defect or issue with the property you should take immediate action.  Call us at 858-535-1511 for a free and substantive consultation.  The Watkins Firm has represented clients in “failure to disclose” and other real estate disputes and litigation for several decades.  Our experienced team will take the legal action necessary to hold the seller accountable and ensure that you are compensated for any such hidden defect or their failure to disclose.  You want to be able to enjoy the property you purchased.  We work to ensure the fastest and most effective resolution of this issue, so that you can restore the property, and enjoy it for the duration of your ownership.