Lawsuits Involving Your Insurance Policy Mean You Should Have Your Own Cumis Counsel

Thorough Free Initial Consultation - San Diego Business Attorneys

If you are involved in a lawsuit based upon your homeowners insurance, automobile coverage or some other sort of insurance policy, it is important to make sure your own rights are protected.  In California, we have special protections for the insurance policy holder that ensure that you have your own independent “Cumis” counsel.  Most importantly, your insurance company almost always has to pay for our services.  The Watkins firm has represented individuals and insured corporations across the greater San Diego and Southern California area as their cumis counsel for several decades.  Our experienced litigation team has the expertise to protect your interests, and ensure that any settlement or resolution protects you, individually, outside of your policy with the insurance company.

You see, the attorneys for your insurance company have a problem – a conflict of interest.  They represent you, based upon the policy you put in place with the insurance company.  But their first legal obligation is to the policy itself, and what is best for the policy (and underlying insurance company) may not be in YOUR best interests.  For example, if they can assert that your negligence voided the underlying policy, they have protected the policy successfully.  Unfortunately, they have hung you out in the process.  As your independent Cumis counsel, we work side-by-side with the attorneys from the insurance company to make sure the dispute is resolved within the coverages of the insurance policy.  We fight to protect your interests and ensure that when the dispute or lawsuit is resolved, you walk away free of liability.

It doesn’t cost you anything to call and speak with us for a free thorough consultation at 858-535-1511.  It shouldn’t cost you anything for us to represent your interests as your Cumis counsel.  Take advantage of the skill and expertise of the Watkins Firm to protect your interests, and ensure the best possible outcome.