Register and Protect Your Intellectual Property

Register and Protect Your Intellectual Property - IP - Corporate Law

What should your company do to register and protect your intellectual property such as brand(s) and the creative works of your team?  The Watkins Firm has more than four decades of experience helping business clients with recognize and protect their intellectual property and original works.

Intellectual property or IP is an original creation of the human intellect relative to the positioning or establishment of your corporate brand, logo, taglines and primary messages.  Intellectual property also extends to original works such as videos, written content, drawings and designs.  Your intellectual property is one of the most valuable assets of your company and it is important to ensure you properly register and protect your intellectual property and monitor against infringement.

The Watkins Firm provides comprehensive intellectual property services including but not limited to:

  • Copyrights
  • Logos and Brands
  • Trademarks
  • Infringement Defense

Once you have taken the steps to register and protect your intellectual property, you must take proactive steps to prevent infringement in order to preserve the ability to maintain the copyright, logo, brand or trademark.  Infringement is the unauthorized use of intellectual property “on or in connection with goods and/or services” in order to confuse potential buyers, create a deception or lead the buyer to mistake them for your original property.

What an Effective San Diego Business Attorney Does For ClientsPro-Tip: “Registering and protecting intellectual property is more than just defending your brand or logo.  It is protecting the image of your company and the unique market perception of your business products and services. 

There are many things that qualify as intellectual property and we help our clients to recognize and protect it, as well as the brand, image and reputation of your company.”

The Watkins Firm is fully prepared to file a civil lawsuit to put a stop to intellectual property infringement.  Remedies for infringement can include:

  • Seeking a court order to put an immediate stop to the infringement
  • Seeking a court order to destroy any product or unlicensed materials
  • Financial damages including the profits the infringement has generated for the violating party, as well as the cost of the legal action and associated damages
  • Seeking an order for the defendant to pay your legal fees in the lawsuit

If you are interested in learning more about registering and protecting intellectual property and the IP services provided by the Watkins Firm we invite you to review our podcast Episode 6 – Why Do You Need a Business Lawyer as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.