Resolve a Partnership Dispute Quickly and Efficiently

Resolve a Partnership Dispute Quickly and Efficiently - Members

It is important to resolve a partnership dispute quickly and efficiently whenever possible.  Any partnership dispute distracts from the principal focus of managing the business at hand.  Disputes between partners can spill over into operations and affect morale and the culture of your company.

Cost-Effective and Timely Strategies

The Watkins Firm has more than four decades of experience in these disputes, and several proven strategies to help resolve a partnership dispute quickly and efficiently and in a cost-effective manner.  We understand the importance of resolving not only the issue(s) at hand, but repairing the underlying relationship(s).  Our attorneys take a unique approach to resolving business partner and member disputes which is designed to create a constructive working atmosphere while getting to the core of any disputed issue.

Most Partnership Disputes are Resolved by the Watkins Firm through Leveraged Negotiation

Did you know that most partnership disputes in San Diego are resolved by the Watkins Firm through leveraged negotiation.  This is the fastest and least expensive strategy to resolve any type of partner dispute.  We work with our clients to gain a thorough understanding of the challenges at hand and to establish specific objectives.  We work quickly to develop a thorough chronology of events and a mastery of all associated damages.  Our experienced business dispute resolution attorneys use these tools engage the other party and work to open a focused, leveraged conversation.  We draw on more than four decades of experience in these disputes to help clarify underlying issues and provide insight and alternative options to help resolve the dispute.

Any relationship which works through a challenge will actually emerge stronger.  We help the parties to find or re-establish common ground and ultimately work together to resolve the matter in an efficient manner.  There are cases which involve difficult personalities or issues of principle.

Dan Watkins Founding Partner of the Watkins FirmPro-Tip: “Well, we want to get the facts down and we want the evidence they have in chronological order, because that’s the best way to communicate to the other party or to a third party, to anyone is in chronological order. That’s how we think. Then I want to help our clients analyze the damages. Whether you are feeling like they owe you something, they’re not complying with the agreement or vice versa. So I want to want something more from you as we analyze the damages, analyze what it’s going to cost to fight. And also look at the future business. Whether we can salvage this relationship, all of those important things should come into play, give good advice. Sometimes we’ll even advise our clients how we would think about it and then let them go talk to their partner or whoever they’re dealing with on their own armed with our knowledge and our negotiation technique.

Often, they are married to the dispute. So they’re married to every little fact. And if they have any kind of good business skills, we can coach them give them the law in layman’s terms so that when they negotiate, they’re negotiating with the knowledge of what we would say and even more facts. So they can actually be better than us.

Knowing the facts, the damages, the law of the damages is key, because that gives our lawyers the ability to predict what would happen if you went to trial tomorrow and you won, what would you win? That’s it, that’s the number. Because in civil court, we’re only looking about dollar amounts, getting there and understanding human nature.

Preparation for my clients has to go with damages, the law and damages and the facts, getting all the facts down so that we have things to say and then informing my client. We cannot just go in there and say, here’s the right number. Here’s what I’ll settle for. I’m done talking that doesn’t work. It should. We believe we’re all intelligent people. And if we all are intelligent people, we should be able to look at the facts. If we agree on the facts, apply law and come up with the exact same number. Like it’s an accounting problem, but it doesn’t work that way. People are not wired that way.” – Dan Watkins, Founding Partner

Mediation is Another Tool to Resolve Your San Diego Partnership Dispute Quickly and Efficiently

In some situations mediation through a neutral third party is often effective.  Mediation is a private venue which keeps the private issues and financial details of your partnership out of public facing documents.  Mediation should establish a productive environment for the parties to work through the aspects of the dispute while identifying potential options.  Ultimately the goal is usually to generate an agreement or settlement which completely resolves the dispute to the satisfaction of all parties.

Watkins Firm attorneys work to resolve a partnership dispute quickly and efficiently while restoring productive working relationships between the parties whenever possible.  If you are involved in a partnership dispute in San Diego or anywhere in California we invite you to review our podcast Episode 11 – Resolving Business Disputes as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.