A Proven San Diego Healthcare Attorney

A Proven San Diego Healthcare Attorney - Your Medical General Counsel

Are you searching for a proven San Diego healthcare attorney to help form, grow or protect your San Diego healthcare business?  The Watkins Firm has more than four decades of experience serving the healthcare and medical business communities of San Diego and Southern California.

We provide sound general counsel and legal services from the formation of your healthcare entity through integration of a Management Service Organization or MSO, contracting, healthcare corporate governance and compliance and the timely and cost-effective resolution of associated disputes or lawsuits.

Your New Healthcare Entity

Selecting your new healthcare entity or developing a constellation of entities to accomplish your goals and objectives is often the first step.  Here in California the Professional Corporation and a Management Service Organization are the primary corporate entities for most healthcare applications.

Your proven San Diego healthcare attorney from the Watkins Firm guides you through the process of planning and implementing the right entity or entities to facilitate the operations you intend to undertake.  It is especially important in a healthcare setting to ensure corporate documents such as the shareholders’ agreement and corporate bylaws are carefully tailored to reflect the nature of your company and associated stakeholders.

Mergers and acquisitions are quite common in the medical business and healthcare setting.  The Watkins Firm has developed a strong library of proprietary corporate documents, due diligence checklists and associated contracts which facilitate a thorough yet efficient sale or acquisition transaction.

Managing Healthcare Corporate Governance and Compliance

One of the most challenging aspects of a medical or healthcare-related business is the ongoing process of managing healthcare corporate governance and compliance.  Your proven San Diego healthcare attorney from the Watkins Firm helps your corporation(s) to comply with some of the most comprehensive and stringent federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations.

From Stark Law compliance to extensive risks associated with HIPAA regulations and other ethical and legal challenges, managing your governance and compliance strategies and the protections of the corporate veil are a vital part of our general counsel and legal services.

Contracts and Disputes

We provide well-crafted tailored contracts to ensure a smooth foundation and operational success in every aspect of your healthcare entity.  Disputes and lawsuits are an unfortunate but inevitable reality for any San Diego and Southern California healthcare business.  Ask about our unique approach to disputes and lawsuits which is specifically designed to resolve these challenges in a timely and cost-efficient manner.

Contact a Proven San Diego Healthcare Attorney

Are you searching for a proven San Diego healthcare attorney who can provide insightful and effective counsel and legal services throughout the life of your healthcare-related entity?  We invite you to review the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.