Are you searching for help resolving a contract dispute in a California business transaction? It is important to understand all of your options. How can you resolve a contract dispute as soon as possible and in a cost-efficient manner? The Watkins Firm applies our more than four decades of experience to take a unique approach to contract disputes. It begins with a free and comprehensive consultation where we discuss the unique circumstances surrounding the contract issues. We will discuss the process that will bring a prompt result and accomplish your goals while preserving as much of your working capital as possible.
The Watkins Firm is able to resolve the vast majority of our client’s cases through fastest and most proven and cost-effective contract dispute resolution strategy: effective and leveraged negotiation. Our attorneys efficiently and rapidly organize all of the information, communications and documentation to complete a thorough chronology of events and a mastery of available damages to support and protect your position. When we contact the other party or parties, they quickly understand the seriousness of the situation, and your commitment to pursue and resolve it. Our preparation provides the insight into damages and the leverage required to move them into action and to set the stage for a cooperative and effective negotiation. We do everything possible to communicate the seriousness of their position while preserving a productive working relationship. This protects important relationships while getting to the heart of the matter, and resolving it.
When necessary we will represent your interests in mediation, or, when contracts require or the parties elect, arbitration. Each of these legal venues is designed to move the process forward, resolve areas of principled disagreement and reach a positive outcome. An arbitration will result in a final ruling that resolves the matter once and for all. In unique cases where matters of principal and our client’s goals require, we have the experience and track record of success to pursue your interests at trial. Business litigation is time consuming and expensive, but may be the only path to fully resolve a contract dispute while accomplishing our client’s goals and objectives.
Pro-Tip: “We handle this from both sides, from the drafting of the agreements to any contract-related dispute. And one thing we’ve talked about is power and leverage. So if you don’t have a strong agreement and it’s just you and somebody else with a bland agreement, then the party with more power, more resources, the ability to fight, can turn around and argue that the agreements you may have give them more rights and power.
For example, you are just a shareholder investor and you don’t have that much money and you don’t have a strong agreement, the person in charge can say, well, I’m an officer now. And I award myself a million dollar a year salary, because I’m that great! And it’s what do you do? You didn’t cover that early and you need a good lawyer to cover that later because it’s going to be a fight.
Talk to one of our experienced, proven attorneys right away. Who’s been there, done this. For example, we had a case a long time ago, nine or 10 doctors were working together in a medical practice. And our two or three doctors were worried about something. They came to see us, and over a weekend, the managing members of the medical corporation took the entire practice, and moved. They changed its phone number, location, changed its mailing address and took all the money and assets and bank accounts. They didn’t even tell where the other partners (ultimately, our clients), where they were going.
(Our clients) showed up for work on Monday and there was no more work. The practice had disappeared overnight down the street to a different facility with instructions to keep them out. Unbelievable! So knowing something might be going on is the time to come to your lawyer so that we can do things to discover, whether there’s really something going on, and the remedies in the law that can stop that.
By the way, let’s just say our clients came out of that situation ‘on their feet!'” – Dan Watkins, Founding Partner
Disputes are part of business, but the key is to move through them and resolving a contract dispute in a California business transaction as promptly and cost-effectively as possible. If you are involved in a contract dispute we invite you to review our podcast Episode 11 – Resolving Business Disputes as well as the strong recommendations of our clients and contact the Watkins Firm or call 858-535-1511 for a complimentary consultation today.